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진행중인 설명회& 컨설팅

해외 직영지사

[공연/문화]International Jazz Festival
밴쿠버 최대 음악 이벤트인 International Jazz Festival이 6월 25일부터 7월 1일까지 진행됩니다.

아래 사이트에서 공연 장소와 시간을 확인하시면 됩니다.

The Coastal Jazz and Blues Society is a charitable arts organization located in Vancouver, British Columbia and BC’s largest music presenter.  We produce the annual TD Vancouver International Jazz Festival, one of the most critically acclaimed jazz festivals in the world, drawing over half a million patrons each year. The festival features over 300 concerts (150 free) in 35 venues across Vancouver’s Lower Mainland and North Shore including the Downtown Jazz Opening Weekend and the David Lam Park Jazz Closing Weekend.
The Society also produces the annual Music Series for the Winterruption Festival on Granville Island, the Time Flies Improvised Music Festival and several year-round concerts.  We also produce several education programs including the TD High School Jazz Intensive and the Creative Music Think Tank Symposium.